WHAT Makes US Different

The Living in Color program published its second edition in 2017, and we believe it delivers one of the most systematic, next-generation and thorough approaches to identifying, processing, dealing with and healing the emotions and trauma that have arisen due to post-abortion grief.

Other positive differentiators that our program offers South African woman who become clients of Living in Color are:

♦  Sonya, as a competent and certified facilitator brings a compassionate and gentle approach into each session and provides a safe place for women to share their healing journey.

♦  Comprehensive intake process that takes place during a confidential interview with your facilitator helps you discover whether you are ready to take the next steps in your healing journey and sets up the right expectations for the program coursework and the 8-week commitment to participate in a small group setting. Once enrolled, a starting course date will be confirmed.


♦  Culturally sensitive approaches that take into account the way various family members deal with the news of an abortion as well as the multiple, unique ethnicities represented within our “rainbow nation” are all factored into skillfully-facilitated group sessions.

♦  The transformative power and learning that comes from  small group discussion is an integral part of the Living in Color program – sharing experiences and learning’s from others who have walked a similar journey and felt similar emotions, all lead by an experienced, skillful, empathetic facilitator.

♦  Active involvement in your healing – not only is group discussion facilitated by a counselor involved, each of the 8 chapters also involve thoughtfully-designed homework exercises and journaling that help clients contemplate, identify, process and heal from their grief wounds. Journals to capture these thoughts, letters, small projects, etc. are also provided by the program free of charge.

♦  Referral options to professional counselors as the need arises (getting more help with addictions, self-destructive behaviors, etc.)

♦  Testimonials share their experience that as a post-abortion woman, you no longer need to remain wounded and suffer alone in silence.

Absolute confidentiality
program provided free of charge

There is Hope

for Healing

and Restoration