Jenny McDermid – BIO
For over 20 years, Jenny McDermid has been active in the post-abortion recovery and healing wing of the Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre—a Canadian Christian ministry affiliated with the North American CareNet organization.
Jenny is a former educator and entrepreneur who sold her business in the mid-1990s to pursue her primary passion: the restoration of women wounded by abortion to life lived in full color.
She has facilitated countless recovery groups and is familiar with a variety of post-abortion curricula. She has also accompanied hundreds of women through their healing on an individual basis.
After 14 years of working with these women, Jenny realized that a more comprehensive program was needed than was currently available. In 2010 she responded to God’s call to develop a fresh, new approach for those who typically suffer their unresolved losses in isolation and secrecy.
Such a program was needed to address multiple facets of healing—emotional, spiritual, relational, and social—while allowing God to reveal himself in a non-threatening way.
The abortion recovery and healing program Living in Color: the goal of post-abortion recovery is the outcome of Jenny’s experiences as a developer of curriculum and her familiarity with the fragile nature of women wounded by abortion—herself included. What these women need is a comprehensive healing program that is sensitively designed to engage those who struggle with God.
Jenny is inspired by opportunities to train facilitators to deliver the Living in Color program and, with her colleague Jutta Wittmeier, has done so in many locations throughout Canada, the United States, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa. She is a vibrant and effective teacher who leaves her seminar participants inspired and equipped to help women find the wholeness they crave.

Absolute confidentiality
program provided free of charge
There is Hope
for Healing
and Restoration